Monday 7/24/06
We had a rainy day in Echo Bay. We made a rain stick and a snow globe. In music we listened to rain sounds, played the rain game, and heard the Bible story of Elijah who asked God to send rain. We have the courage to know God sends the rain.
Today Pop learned to play our musical instruments. He was a good listener and answered Bible questions. He loves balloons.
Tuesday 7/25/06
Echo Bay had snow today so we made soapy snowballs to use in our bath. In the story we learned how Joshua listened to God in Joshua 3:1-3 so we tried very hard to listen and follow our teachers. In Kayak Cove we made a paddle for our canoe and in music we had water sticks that we move to music.
Today Pop liked to use his imagination in a world all his own. He joined our group activities but was eager to “be on his way”. Outside he loved the bubbles and discovered how to word the auto bubble machine.
Wednesday 7/26/06
It snowed again in Echo Bay so we took out our ice skates and went skating. In our story Jesus told the fishermen where to put their nets. We made a Jesus necklace. Pop loved that project.
Thursday 7/27/06
It snowed heavily in Echo Bay. We made our snowflakes fall gently from the sky, then we went ice skating again. We have learned our songs for family night and practiced on the stage.
It has been our privilege to care and teach Pop this week. Our prayers are with you.