Wednesday, September 14, 2005

William's words

Ok, yes I realize I am terible about keeping this site up. I apologize but I generally don't have hve much time. Even now I will try to finish this post before William wakes up. Here are the words William says in English that we are sure of. I know there are more that are just just not as clear yet.
  1. on/off
  2. snack
  3. ball
  4. box
  5. book
  6. again
  7. come
  8. dada
  9. mama
  10. gamma (grandma)
  11. gampa (grandpa)
  12. hot
  13. shoes
  14. go
  15. cup
  16. juice
  17. milk
  18. two--how old he is
  19. egg
  20. man
  21. hey you
  22. more
  23. done
  24. please
  25. thank you
  26. love you
  27. night-night
  28. bye-bye
  29. yeah/ yes
  30. this
  31. Amen!
  32. oh wow
  33. yuck
  34. get you/ got you
  35. catch
  36. made a mess
  37. hi there
  38. Mickey
  39. Goofy
  40. Pooh
  41. Blue (Blue's Clues)
  42. Achoo!
  43. Jesus
  44. baby (as he pats my belly)
  45. you get (it)
  46. Rich (daddy's name as said by me)
  47. cat
  48. chicken
  49. dolphin (for all fish)
  50. dog
Well, that is more than enough for now. Hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that William can say all those words! In my head, it makes sense-since he's 2 already! But somehow I still think of him as a little 7 month old baby!! I'm sure he'll take great care of the new baby!! Thanks so much for adding this website, it's really fun to see what your family does on a regular basis!
Take Care! And good luck with the new arrival!
Miss Adriane =)