Monday, May 15, 2006

Being Adequate!!

I just wanted to share a word of encouragement with all of you today. Have you ever thought you had said something different or more or seized the moment more or not been sure your language conveyed all you wanted it to? I am doing a Bible study by Kay Arthur on 2 Corinthians called, “Lord, Give me a heart for You.” Last week’s chapter was on being adequate, particularly focusing on 2:15-16 and 3:5-6. Arthur says it this way, “Your adequacy will never come from anything you can ever do or be apart from Christ. Your adequacy will come only from God.” What a blessing and a relief! God is bigger than anything I can do to “’mess” Him up. I will never be adequate enough in myself to do the job He has called me to do, but He is always adequate and makes me so. Another encouragement to me lately has been Beth Moore’s Voices of the Faithful devotional, particularly since this month’s focus is missions, but there is just too much to share right now.
For now lets all pray that we will remember where our adequacy originates.

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